Property:Property description

From OpenSemanticWorld
Showing 20 pages using this property.
A person known by this person (indicating some level of reciprocated interaction between the parties). (en)  +
A name for some thing or agent. (en)  +
URL of the homepage of something, which is a general web resource. (en)  +
The property that determines that two given individuals are different. (en)  +
Links a subclass to a superclass / an instance to its type (en)  +
Multi-language label (en)  +, Mehrsprachige Beschriftung (de)  +
The alpha-numeric label in English (en)  +
Links an instance/individual with a class (en)  +
Begin of an event/process (en)  +
Links as superclass with its subclass (en)  +
A point in time (en)  +
Connects an entity with a file containing further information (en)  +, Verbindet eine Entität mit einer Datei die weiterführende Informationen enthält (de)  +
The most generic of all properties. Indicates that there is more than no relation. (en)  +, Die allgemeinste aller Beziehungen. Beschreibt, dass mehr als keine Beziehung vorhanden ist. (de)  +
Links an entity to a representative image (en)  +, Verbindet eine Entität mit einem repräsentativen Bild (de)  +
Gravimetric concentration (en)  +
In physics, mass, more specifically inertial mass, can be defined as a quantitative measure of an object's resistance to acceleration. (en)  +
This Property indicates that the Object of the Relation is the Risk Assessment applying to the Subject. (en)  +
Internal property that stores the lowercase version of Display_title_of to enable case insensitive search (en)  +
Generic link to an internet ressource (en)  +
Property that stores the lowercase version of HasLabel with all non-alphanumeric chars removed to enable a normalized search (en)  +, Attribut, das HasLabel in Kleinbuchstaben speichert, wobei alle nicht alphanumerischen Zeichen entfernt werden, um eine normalisierte Suche zu ermöglichen (de)  +