Module:MwJson: Difference between revisions

From OpenSemanticWorld
Update package: OSW Core
(Install package: OSW Core)
(Update package: OSW Core)
Line 1: Line 1:
-- mw.logObject(p.processJsondata({jsondata=p.loadJson({title="Item:OSW7d7193567ea14e4e89b74de88983b718", slot="jsondata"}).json, debug=true, mode="header"}))
local lustache = require("Module:Lustache")
local lustache = require("Module:Lustache")

Line 5: Line 7:
p.keys = { --jsonschema / json-ld keys
p.keys = { --jsonschema / json-ld keys
category_pseudoproperty='Category', -- Property:Category
Line 105: Line 108:
if (root) then
if (root) then
jsonschema = {}
for i, category in ipairs(visited) do
for i, category in ipairs(visited) do
jsonschema = p.tableMerge(jsonschema, jsonschemas[category]) --merge all schemas
--merge all schemas. we need to make a copy here, otherwise jsonschemas["Category:Entity"] contains the merged schema
jsonschema = p.copy(p.tableMerge(jsonschema, jsonschemas[category]))
Line 149: Line 152:
-- mustache can handle objects and array to we can parse it directly
-- mustache can handle objects and array to we can parse it directly
-- todo: handle nested templates
-- todo: handle nested templates
if (debug) then msg = msg .. "Parse mustache template " .. eval_template.value .. " with params " .. mw.dumpObject( {[k]=v} ) .. "\n<br>" end
local template_param = {[k]=v}
jsondata[k] = lustache:render(eval_template.value, {[k]=v})
if (eval_template.root_key == false) then template_param = v end
if (debug) then msg = msg .. "Parse mustache template " .. eval_template.value .. " with params " .. mw.dumpObject( template_param ) .. "\n<br>" end
jsondata[k] = lustache:render(eval_template.value, template_param, p.tableMerge({self=eval_template.value}, eval_template.partials)) -- render with self as registered partial for recursion
if (eval_template.type == "mustache-wikitext") then  
if (eval_template.type == "mustache-wikitext") then  
jsondata[k] = frame:preprocess( jsondata[k] )
jsondata[k] = frame:preprocess( jsondata[k] )
Line 185: Line 190:
if (eval_template ~= nil and eval_template["value"] ~= nil) then
if (eval_template ~= nil and eval_template.value ~= nil) then
--evaluate single array item string as json {"self": "<value>", ".": "<value>"}
local sub_res = p.expandEmbeddedTemplates({frame=frame, jsondata={["self"]=e,["."]=e}, jsonschema=p.defaultArgPath(jsonschema, {"properties", k, "items"}, {}), template=eval_template, mode=mode, stringify_arrays=stringify_arrays})
--evaluate single array item string as json {"self": "<value>", ".": "<value>"} => does not work since jsondata is an object
--e = p.expandEmbeddedTemplates({frame=frame, jsondata={["self"]=e,["."]=e}, jsonschema=p.defaultArgPath(jsonschema, {"properties", k, "items"}, {}), template=eval_template, mode=mode, stringify_arrays=stringify_arrays})
e = sub_res.res
v[i] = e
if (eval_template.type == "mustache" or eval_template.type == "mustache-wikitext") then
if (debug) then msg = msg .. "Parse mustache template " .. eval_template.value .. " with params " .. mw.dumpObject( e ) .. "\n<br>" end
-- {{.}} in the template will be the value of e
e = lustache:render(eval_template.value, e, p.tableMerge({self=eval_template.value}, eval_template.partials)) -- render with self as registered partial for recursion
if (eval_template.type == "mustache-wikitext") then --or eval_template.type == "wikitext") then
if (debug) then msg = msg .. "Parse wikitext template " .. e .. " with params " .. mw.dumpObject( e ) .. "\n<br>" end
e = frame:preprocess( e )
v[i] = e -- update array
if (stringify_arrays) then string_list = string_list .. e .. ";" end
if (stringify_arrays) then string_list = string_list .. e .. ";" end
Line 262: Line 277:
local schema_res = p.walkJsonSchema({jsonschema=jsonschema, categories=categories, mode=mode, recursive=recursive, debug=debug})
local schema_res = p.walkJsonSchema({jsonschema=jsonschema, categories=categories, mode=mode, recursive=recursive, debug=debug})
jsonschema = p.expandJsonRef({json=schema_res.jsonschema, debug=debug}).json
local expand_res = p.expandJsonRef({json=schema_res.jsonschema, debug=debug})
jsonschema = expand_res.json
local display_label = p.defaultArgPath(jsondata, {}, "")
local display_label = p.defaultArgPath(jsondata, {}, "")
Line 280: Line 296:
local smw_res = nil
local smw_res = nil
if (mode == p.mode.header) then
if (mode == p.mode.header) then
-- get the semantic properties by looking up the json keys in the json-ld context
smw_res = p.getSemanticProperties({jsonschema=jsonschema, jsondata=json_res_store.res, store=false, debug=debug})
smw_res = p.getSemanticProperties({jsonschema=jsonschema, jsondata=json_res_store.res, store=false, debug=debug})
-- store metadata where properties were defined / overridden
for i, category in ipairs(schema_res.visited) do
for k, v in pairs(schema_res.jsonschemas[category]['properties']) do
if smw_res.definitions[k] == nil then smw_res.definitions[k] = {} end
if smw_res.definitions[k]['defined_in'] == nil then smw_res.definitions[k]['defined_in'] = {} end
table.insert(smw_res.definitions[k]['defined_in'], category)
-- embed json-ld in resulting html for search engine discovery
jsonld["@context"] = smw_res.context
jsonld["@context"] = smw_res.context
jsonld["@type"] = p.tableMerge(p.tablefy(jsonschema.schema_type), p.tablefy(jsonld["@type"])) --
jsonld["@type"] = p.tableMerge(p.tablefy(jsonschema.schema_type), p.tablefy(jsonld["@type"])) --
Line 303: Line 332:
for i, category in ipairs(schema_res.visited) do
for i, category in ipairs(schema_res.visited) do
if (mode == p.mode.footer) then category = schema_res.visited[max_index - i +1] end --reverse order for footer templates
if (mode == p.mode.footer) then category = schema_res.visited[max_index - i +1] end --reverse order for footer templates
local jsonschema = schema_res.jsonschemas[category]
local super_jsonschema = schema_res.jsonschemas[category]
local template = schema_res.templates[category]
local template = schema_res.templates[category]
if (template ~= nil) then
if (template ~= nil) then
Line 312: Line 341:
local child = frame:newChild{args=stripped_jsondata}
local child = frame:newChild{args=stripped_jsondata}
if ( template:sub(1, #"=") == "=" ) then template = "\n" .. template end -- add line break if template starts with heading (otherwise not rendered by mw parser)
wikitext = wikitext .. child:preprocess( template )
wikitext = wikitext .. child:preprocess( template )
elseif (mode == p.mode.header) then
elseif (mode == p.mode.header) then
local infobox_res = p.renderInfoBox({jsonschema=jsonschema, jsondata=jsondata})
local ignore_properties = {[p.keys.category]=true} -- don't render type/category on every subclass
for j, subcategory in ipairs(schema_res.visited) do
if j > i then
local subjsonschema = schema_res.jsonschemas[subcategory]
for k, v in pairs(subjsonschema['properties']) do
-- skip properties that are overwritten in subschemas, render them only once at the most specific position
ignore_properties[k] = true
-- render the infobox for the schema itself and every super_schema using always the global json-ld context (merged within walkJsonSchema())
-- context needs to be preprocessed with buildContext() since the generic json/table merge of the @context atttribute produces a list of strings (remote context) and context objects
-- context is already build in p.getSemanticProperties. schema_allOfMerged is used to provide the full schema for overridden properties
local infobox_res = p.renderInfoBox({jsonschema=super_jsonschema, schema_allOfMerged=jsonschema, context=smw_res.context, property_definitions=smw_res.definitions, jsondata=jsondata, ignore_properties=ignore_properties})
wikitext = wikitext .. frame:preprocess( infobox_res.wikitext )
wikitext = wikitext .. frame:preprocess( infobox_res.wikitext )
Line 321: Line 364:
--local display_label = ""
--local display_label = ""
--if (jsondata[p.keys.label] ~= nil) then display_label = p.splitString(jsondata[p.keys.label], '@')[1] end
--if (jsondata[p.keys.label] ~= nil) then display_label = p.splitString(jsondata[p.keys.label], '@')[1] end
if (title.nsText ~= "Category") then wikitext = wikitext .. "\n" .. p.setCategories({categories=json_res_store.res[p.keys.category], sortkey=display_label}).wikitext end--items
local set_categories_in_wikitext = {}
wikitext = wikitext .. p.setCategories({categories=json_res_store.res[p.keys.subcategory], sortkey=display_label}).wikitext --classes/categories
p.tableMerge(set_categories_in_wikitext, json_res_store.res[p.keys.subcategory])  --classes/categories, nil for items
if (title.nsText ~= "Category") then --items
p.tableMerge(set_categories_in_wikitext, json_res_store.res[p.keys.category]) -- categories from schema type
-- Todo: Consider moving the category and this block to p.getSemanticProperties with store=true. However, settings categories with @category is only possible for subobjects
if (smw_res ~= nil) then
if (smw_res ~= nil) then
if (debug) then msg = msg .. "Store page properties" end
if (debug) then msg = msg .. "Store page properties" end
-- category handling
p.tableMerge(set_categories_in_wikitext,[p.keys.category_pseudoproperty])[p.keys.category_pseudoproperty] = nil -- delete pseudo property['HasOswId'] = mw.title.getCurrentTitle().fullText  --set special property OswId to own title
-- label and display title handling['Display title of'] = display_label --set special property display title['Display title of'] = display_label --set special property display title['Display title of lowercase'] = display_label:lower() --store lowercase for case insensitive query['Display title of normalized'] = display_label:lower():gsub('[^%w]+','') --store with all non-alphanumeric chars removed for normalized query
p.setNormalizedLabel( --build normalized multilang label
mw.ext.displaytitle.set(display_label)['@category'] = jsondata[p.keys.category]['@category'] = jsondata[p.keys.category]
Line 339: Line 396:
--wikitext = mw.dumpObject( .. wikitext
--wikitext = mw.dumpObject( .. wikitext
wikitext = wikitext .. "\n" .. p.setCategories({categories=set_categories_in_wikitext, sortkey=display_label}).wikitext
if (debug) then mw.logObject(res) end
if (debug) then mw.logObject(res) end
Line 348: Line 406:
-- test: mw.logObject(p.renderInfoBox({jsonschema=p.loadJson({title="JsonSchema:Entity"}).json, jsondata={uuid="123123"}}))
-- test: mw.logObject(p.renderInfoBox({jsonschema=p.loadJson({title="JsonSchema:Entity"}).json, jsondata={uuid="123123"}}))
function p.renderInfoBox(args)
function p.renderInfoBox(args)
local debug = p.defaultArg(args.debug, false)
local jsondata = p.defaultArg(args.jsondata, {})
local jsondata = p.defaultArg(args.jsondata, {})
local schema = p.defaultArg(args.jsonschema, nil)
local schema = p.defaultArg(args.jsonschema, nil) -- local schema from the perspective of the current category
local context = p.buildContext({jsonschema=schema}).context
local schema_allOfMerged = p.defaultArg(args.schema_allOfMerged, schema) -- global schema with allOfs merged
local ignore_properties = {[p.keys.category]=true} -- don't render type/category on every subclass
local property_definitions = p.defaultArg(args.property_definitions, {}) -- dict schema_key: {property: <smw_property>, ...}
local res = ""
local res = ""
if schema == nil then return res end
if schema == nil then return res end
local context = p.defaultArg(args.context, p.buildContext({jsonschema=schema}).context)
local ignore_properties = p.defaultArg(args.ignore_properties, {})
local schema_label = ""
local schema_label = ""
if schema['title'] ~= nil then schema_label = schema['title'] end
if schema['title'] ~= nil then schema_label = schema['title'] end
Line 369: Line 432:
if (not ignore_properties[k]) then
if (not ignore_properties[k]) then
if (schema['properties'] ~= nil and schema['properties'][k] ~= nil and (type(v) ~= 'table' or v[1] ~= nil)) then --literal or literal array
if (schema['properties'] ~= nil and schema['properties'][k] ~= nil and (type(v) ~= 'table' or v[1] ~= nil)) then --literal or literal array
local def = schema['properties'][k]
local def = schema_allOfMerged['properties'][k]
local label = k
local label = k
if def['title'] ~= nil then label = def['title'] end
if def['title'] ~= nil then label = def['title'] end
if def['title*'] ~= nil then -- multilang label with switch
label = "{{#switch:{{USERLANGUAGECODE}} |#default=" ..  label
for k,v in pairs(def['title*']) do label = label .. " |" .. k .. "=" .. v end
label = label .. " }}"
local description = ""
if def['description'] ~= nil then description = def['description'] end
if def['description*'] ~= nil then -- multilang label with switch
description = "{{#switch:{{USERLANGUAGECODE}} |#default=" ..  description
for k,v in pairs(def['description*']) do description = description .. " |" .. k .. "=" .. v end
description = description .. " }}"
if (p.tableLength(p.defaultArgPath(property_definitions, {k, 'defined_in'}, {})) > 0) then description = description .. "<br>Definition: " end
for i, c in pairs(p.defaultArgPath(property_definitions, {k, 'defined_in'}, {})) do
if (i > 1) then description = description .. ", " end
description = description .. "[[:" ..c .. "]]"
if (description ~= "") then description = "{{#info: " .. description .. "|note }}" end -- smw tooltip
label = label .. description
--res = res .. title ": " .. v
--res = res .. title ": " .. v
local cell = tbl:tag( 'tr' )
local cell = tbl:tag( 'tr' )
Line 383: Line 468:
if (type(e) ~= 'table') then  
if (type(e) ~= 'table') then  
local p_type = p.defaultArgPath(context, {k, '@type'}, '@value')
local p_type = p.defaultArgPath(context, {k, '@type'}, '@value')
if (p_type == '@id') then e = "[[" .. string.gsub(e, "Category:", ":Category:") .. "]]" end
if (p_type == '@id' and p.defaultArgPath(def, {'items', 'type'}, 'unknown') == 'string' and def['eval_template'] == nil) then
-- auto-link (OSW-)IDs if no eval_template is present
e = string.gsub(e, "Category:", ":Category:") -- make sure category links work
e = string.gsub(e, "File:", ":File:") -- do not embedd images but link to them
e = "[[" .. e .. "]]"
elseif (p_type == 'xsd:date') then -- formate date with user preferences
e = "{{#dateformat:" .. e .. "|ymd}}"
elseif (p_type == 'xsd:dateTime') then -- formate time with user preferences
local smw_property = p.defaultArgPath(property_definitions, {k, 'property'})
if (smw_property ~= nil) then e = "{{#ask: [[{{FULLPAGENAME}}]]|?" .. smw_property .. "#LOCL#TO= |format=plain |mainlabel=-}}"
local _, _, date, hours, minutes = string.find(e, "(%S+)[T ](%S+)[:](%S+)[:?]")
e = "{{#dateformat:" .. date .. "|ymd}} " .. hours .. ":" .. minutes .. " (UTC)"
elseif (type(v) == 'boolean') then
if (v) then v = "&#x2705;" else v = "&#x274C;" end -- green check mark or red cross
elseif ((string.len(e) > 100) and (string.find(e, "{{") == nil) and (string.find(e, "</") == nil)) then
e = string.sub(e, 1, 100) .. "..."; -- limit infobox plain text to max 100 chars
elseif (debug) then
mw.log("Unformated: " .. k .. " " .. p.defaultArgPath(def, {'items', 'type'}, 'unknown'))
cell:wikitext("\n* " .. e .. "")  
cell:wikitext("\n* " .. e .. "")  
Line 389: Line 495:
local p_type = p.defaultArgPath(context, {k, '@type'}, '@value')
local p_type = p.defaultArgPath(context, {k, '@type'}, '@value')
if (p_type == '@id') then v = "[[" .. string.gsub(v, "Category:", ":Category:") .. "]]" end
if (p_type == '@id' and p.defaultArgPath(def, {'type'}, 'unknown') == 'string' and def['eval_template'] == nil) then
cell:wikitext( v )
-- auto-link (OSW-)IDs if no eval_template is present
v = string.gsub(v, "Category:", ":Category:") -- make sure category links work
v = string.gsub(v, "File:", ":File:") -- do not embedd images but link to them
v = "[[" .. v .. "]]"
elseif (p_type == 'xsd:date') then -- formate date & time with user preferences
v = "{{#dateformat:" .. v .. "|ymd}}"
elseif (p_type == 'xsd:dateTime') then -- formate time with user preferences
local smw_property = p.defaultArgPath(property_definitions, {k, 'property'})
if (smw_property ~= nil) then v = "{{#ask: [[{{FULLPAGENAME}}]]|?" .. smw_property .. "#LOCL#TO= |format=plain |mainlabel=-}}"
local _, _, date, hours, minutes = string.find(v, "(%S+)[T ](%S+)[:](%S+)[:?]")
v = "{{#dateformat:" .. date .. "|ymd}} " .. hours .. ":" .. minutes .. " (UTC)"
elseif (type(v) == 'boolean') then
if (v) then v = "&#x2705;" else v = "&#x274C;" end -- green check mark or red cross
elseif ((string.len(v) > 100) and (string.find(v, "{{") == nil) and (string.find(v, "</") == nil)) then
v = string.sub(v, 1, 100) .. "..."; -- limit infobox plain text to max 100 chars
elseif (debug) then
mw.log("Unformated: " .. k .. " " .. p.defaultArgPath(def, {'type'}, 'unknown'))
cell:wikitext("\n" .. v .. "")
Line 454: Line 581:
jsonschema = p.expandJsonRef({json=p.loadJson({title=category, slot="jsonschema"}).json}).json
jsonschema = p.expandJsonRef({json=p.loadJson({title=category, slot="jsonschema"}).json}).json
mw.logObject(p.buildContext({jsonschema=jsonschema, debug=true}))
mw.logObject(p.buildContext({jsonschema=jsonschema, debug=true}))
mw.log(mw.text.jsonEncode(p.buildContext({jsonschema=jsonschema, debug=false}).context))
jsonschema = {
jsonschema = {
Line 476: Line 604:

-- constructs a property specific local jsonld context
function p.buildContext(args)
function p.buildContext(args)
local schema = p.defaultArg(args.jsonschema, {})
local schema = p.defaultArg(args.jsonschema, {})
Line 487: Line 616:
elseif (type(v) == 'table' and v[1] ~= nil) then --custom addtional mappings, e. g. "type*": ["Property:HasType"]
elseif (type(v) == 'table' and v[1] ~= nil) then --custom addtional mappings, e. g. "type*": ["Property:HasType"]
result[k] = v
result[k] = v
elseif (type(v) == 'table' and v['@id'] == nil) then --subcontext
elseif (type(v) == 'table' and v['@id'] == nil and v['@reverse'] == nil) then --subcontext
p.tableMerge(result, p.buildContext({context=v}).context)
p.tableMerge(result, p.buildContext({context=v}).context)
Line 496: Line 625:
local properties = p.defaultArg(, {})
local properties = p.defaultArg(, {})

-- build property context
for k,v in pairs(properties) do
for k,v in pairs(properties) do
local subcontext = nil
local subcontext = nil
Line 502: Line 632:
subcontext = p.buildContext({jsonschema=properties[k]}).context
subcontext = p.buildContext({jsonschema=properties[k]}).context
elseif (p.defaultArgPath(properties, {k, 'items', 'type'}) == 'object') then  
elseif (p.defaultArgPath(properties, {k, 'items', 'type'}) == 'object') then  
subcontext = p.buildContext({jsonschema=properties[k]['items']}).context
subcontext = p.buildContext({jsonschema=properties[k]['items']}).context
Line 541: Line 671:
local schema = p.defaultArg(args.jsonschema, {})
local schema = p.defaultArg(args.jsonschema, {})
local subschema = p.defaultArg(args.subschema, schema)
local subschema = p.defaultArg(args.subschema, schema)
local parent_schema_property = p.defaultArg(args.parent_schema_property, {})
local parent_schema_property = p.defaultArg(args.parent_schema_property, {}) -- ToDo: Not used except in getSemanticQuery => remove
local store = p.defaultArg(, false)
local store = p.defaultArg(, false)
local root = p.defaultArg(args.root, true)
local root = p.defaultArg(args.root, true)
local properties = p.defaultArg(, {}) --semantic properties to store, dict key=property_name, value=array of string values
local debug = p.defaultArg(args.debug, false)
local debug = p.defaultArg(args.debug, false)
--if (debug) then mw.logObject("Call getSemanticProperties with args " .. mw.dumpObject( args ) .. "\n<br>") end
--if (debug) then mw.logObject("Call getSemanticProperties with args " .. mw.dumpObject( args ) .. "\n<br>") end
local properties = {} --semantic properties
local subjectId = mw.title.getCurrentTitle().fullText
local subobjectId = nil
if (root == false and jsondata['uuid'] ~= nil) then
subobjectId = "OSW" .. string.gsub(jsondata['uuid'], "-", "")
subjectId = subjectId .. '#' .. subobjectId
local property_data = {}
local property_data = {}
local context = p.defaultArg(args.context, p.buildContext({jsonschema=schema}).context)
local context = p.defaultArg(args.context, p.buildContext({jsonschema=schema}).context)
Line 563: Line 700:
for k,v in pairs(jsondata) do
for k,v in pairs(jsondata) do
local property_names = {}
local property_names = {}
local subobject_properties = {} -- reverse properties to store in the subobject
local mapping_found = false
local mapping_found = false
local property_definitions = {}
local property_definitions = {} -- list of objects {id=..., reverse=...}
if (context[k] ~= nil) then --json-ld mapping
if type(context[k]) == 'table' then table.insert(property_definitions, context[k]["@id"])
else table.insert(property_definitions, context[k]) end
for term, def in pairs(context) do
for term, def in pairs(context) do
local term_parts = p.splitString(term, "*")
local term_parts = p.splitString(term, "*")
if (string.find(term, "*", 0, true) and term_parts[1] == k) then --custom additional mapping term*(*...): "Property:..."
if (term_parts[1] == k) then --custom additional mapping term*(*...): "Property:..."
if type(def) == 'table' then table.insert(property_definitions, def["@id"])
if type(def) == 'table' then
else table.insert(property_definitions, def) end
-- note: json-ld allows only @id OR @reverse
if (def["@id"] ~= nil) then table.insert(property_definitions, {id=def["@id"], reverse=false}) end
if (def["@reverse"] ~= nil) then table.insert(property_definitions, {id=def["@reverse"], reverse=true}) end
else table.insert(property_definitions, {id=def}) end
if (debug) then mw.logObject(property_definitions) end
if (debug) then mw.logObject(property_definitions) end
for i,e in ipairs(property_definitions) do  
for i,e in ipairs(property_definitions) do  
local property_definition = p.splitString(e, ':')
local id = e["id"]
local property_definition = p.splitString(id, ':')
if property_definition[1] == p.keys.property_ns_prefix then
if property_definition[1] == p.keys.property_ns_prefix then
mapping_found = true
mapping_found = true
property_name = string.gsub(e, p.keys.property_ns_prefix .. ":", "") -- also allow prefix properties like: Property:schema:url
property_name = string.gsub(id, p.keys.property_ns_prefix .. ":", "") -- also allow prefix properties like: Property:schema:url
table.insert(property_names, property_name)
if (e["reverse"]) then -- reverse properties are handled in the respective subobject
if (subobject_properties[property_name] == nil) then subobject_properties[property_name] = {} end --initialize empty list
table.insert(subobject_properties[property_name], subjectId) -- add triple subobject -property-> subject
else table.insert(property_names, property_name) end
local schema_property = p.defaultArg(schema_properties[k], {})
local schema_property = p.defaultArg(schema_properties[k], {})
local schema_type = p.defaultArg(schema_property.type, nil) --todo: also load smw property type on demand
local schema_type = p.defaultArg(schema_property.type, nil) --todo: also load smw property type on demand
property_data[k] = {schema_type=schema_type, schema_data=schema_property, property=property_name, value=v}
property_data[k] = {schema_type=schema_type, schema_data=schema_property, property=property_name, value=v, reverse=e["reverse"]}
Line 598: Line 740:
local values = {}
local values = {}
if (v[1] == nil) then --key value array = object/dict
if (v[1] == nil) then --key value array = object/dict
local subproperties_res = p.getSemanticProperties({jsonschema=schema, jsondata=v, store=true, root=false, debug=debug, context=context, subschema=schema_properties[k], parent_schema_property=property_data[k]})
local subproperties_res = p.getSemanticProperties({jsonschema=schema, jsondata=v, properties=p.copy(subobject_properties), store=true, root=false, debug=debug, context=context, subschema=schema_properties[k], parent_schema_property=property_data[k]})
local id = --subobject_id
local id = --subobject_id
if (id ~= nil) then  
if (id ~= nil) then  
Line 608: Line 750:
for i, e in pairs(v) do
for i, e in pairs(v) do
if (type(e) == 'table') then  
if (type(e) == 'table') then  
local subproperties_res = p.getSemanticProperties({jsonschema=schema, jsondata=e, store=true, root=false, debug=debug, context=context, subschema=schema_properties[k], parent_schema_property=property_data[k]})
local subproperties_res = p.getSemanticProperties({jsonschema=schema, jsondata=e, properties=p.copy(subobject_properties), store=true, root=false, debug=debug, context=context, subschema=schema_properties[k], parent_schema_property=property_data[k]})
local id = --subobject_id
local id = --subobject_id
if (id ~= nil) then  
if (id ~= nil) then  
Line 637: Line 779:
local subobjectId = nil
local store_res = nil
local store_res = nil
if (store) then  
if (store) then  
properties['HasOswId'] = subjectId
if (root) then  
if (root) then  
if (debug) then mw.logObject("Store page properties") end
if (debug) then mw.logObject("Store page properties") end
store_res = mw.smw.set( properties ) --store as semantic properties
store_res = mw.smw.set( properties ) --store as semantic properties
properties['@category'] = {}
if jsondata['uuid'] ~= nil then subobjectId = "OSW" .. string.gsub(jsondata['uuid'], "-", "") end
p.tableMerge(properties['@category'], jsondata[p.keys.category]) -- from json property 'type'
properties['@category'] = jsondata[p.keys.category]
p.tableMerge(properties['@category'], properties[p.keys.category_pseudoproperty]) -- from json-ld context 'Property:Category'
properties[p.keys.category_pseudoproperty] = nil -- delete pseudo property
if (jsondata[] ~= nil) then properties['Display title of'] = jsondata[]  
if (jsondata[] ~= nil) then properties['Display title of'] = jsondata[]  
elseif (jsondata[p.keys.label] ~= nil and jsondata[p.keys.label][1] ~= nil) then properties['Display title of'] = p.splitString(jsondata[p.keys.label][1], '@')[1]  
elseif (jsondata[p.keys.label] ~= nil and jsondata[p.keys.label][1] ~= nil) then properties['Display title of'] = p.splitString(jsondata[p.keys.label][1], '@')[1]  
else properties['Display title of'] = p.defaultArg(parent_schema_property.schema_data['title'], "") end
else properties['Display title of'] = p.defaultArg(subschema['title'], "") end
p.setNormalizedLabel(properties) --build normalized multilang label
if (p.tableLength(properties) > 0) then
if (p.tableLength(properties) > 0) then
store_res = mw.smw.subobject( properties, subobjectId ) --store as subobject
store_res = mw.smw.subobject( properties, subobjectId ) --store as subobject
Line 672: Line 816:
if (statement["HasSubject"] == nil or statement["HasSubject"][1] == nil or statement["HasSubject"][1] == "") then --implicit subject
if (statement["HasSubject"] == nil or statement["HasSubject"][1] == nil or statement["HasSubject"][1] == "") then --implicit subject
if (statement["HasProperty"] ~= nil and statement["HasProperty"][1] ~= nil and statement["HasProperty"][1] ~= "" and statement["HasObject"] ~= nil) then
if (statement["HasProperty"] ~= nil and statement["HasProperty"][1] ~= nil and statement["HasProperty"][1] ~= "" and statement["HasObject"] ~= nil) then
local property = p.splitString(statement["HasProperty"][1], ":")[2]
local property = string.gsub(statement["HasProperty"][1], p.keys.property_ns_prefix .. ":", "") -- also allow prefix properties like: Property:schema:url
if (debug) then
if (debug) then
mw.log("Set property " .. property .. " from statement to ")
mw.log("Set property " .. property .. " from statement to ")
Line 765: Line 909:
     if type(v) == "table" then
     if type(v) == "table" then
             json[k] = p.expandJsonRef({json=v}).json
             json[k] = p.expandJsonRef({json=v}).json
    local result = p.copy(json)
    for k,v in pairs(json) do
    if (k == "allOf") then
            if (type(v) == "table" and v[1] == nil) then v = {v} end -- ensure array
            for i,s in pairs(v) do
            result = p.tableMerge(s, result)
            if (debug) then mw.log("merge allOf with title " .. s["title"]) end
            result[k] = nil
     return {json=json}
     return {json=result}

function p.defaultArg(arg, default)
function p.defaultArg(arg, default)
Line 848: Line 1,005:
--test: mw.logObject(p.tableMerge({"string", test1="test1", subtable1={"test"}}, {"string2", test1="test2", test3="test4"}))
--test: mw.logObject(p.tableMerge({"string", test1="test1", subtable1={"test"}}, {"string2", test1="test2", test3="test4"}))
function p.tableMerge(t1, t2)
function p.tableMerge(t1, t2)
if (t1 == nil) then t1 = {} elseif (type(t1) ~= 'table') then t1 = {t1} end
if (t2 == nil) then t2 = {} elseif (type(t2) ~= 'table') then t2 = {t2} end
     for k,v in pairs(t2) do
     for k,v in pairs(t2) do
         if type(v) == "table" then
         if type(v) == "table" then
Line 873: Line 1,032:
   for k, v in pairs(obj) do res[p.copy(k, s)] = p.copy(v, s) end
   for k, v in pairs(obj) do res[p.copy(k, s)] = p.copy(v, s) end
   return res
   return res
-- build normalized multilang label
function p.setNormalizedLabel(properties, use_fallbacks)
if (use_fallbacks == nil) then use_fallbacks = true end
if (properties['HasLabel'] ~= nil) then
labels = properties['HasLabel']
if(type(labels) ~= 'table') then labels = {labels} end
properties['HasNormalizedLabel'] = {}
for i, label in ipairs(labels) do
label_norm = p.splitString(label, '@')[1]:lower():gsub('[^%w]+','')
label_lang = "en"
if (p.splitString(label, '@')[2] ~= nil) then label_lang = p.splitString(label, '@')[2] end
table.insert(properties['HasNormalizedLabel'], label_norm .. "@" .. label_lang)
elseif (use_fallbacks and properties['HasName'] ~= nil) then -- fallback, assume English lang
labels = properties['HasName']
if(type(labels) ~= 'table') then labels = {labels} end
properties['HasNormalizedLabel'] = {}
for i, label in ipairs(labels) do
label_norm = label:lower():gsub('[^%w]+','')
table.insert(properties['HasNormalizedLabel'], label_norm .. "@en")
elseif (use_fallbacks and properties['Display title of'] ~= nil) then -- fallback, assume English lang
labels = properties['Display title of']
if(type(labels) ~= 'table') then labels = {labels} end
properties['HasNormalizedLabel'] = {}
for i, label in ipairs(labels) do
label_norm = label:lower():gsub('[^%w]+','')
table.insert(properties['HasNormalizedLabel'], label_norm .. "@en")

return p
return p
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